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HWID = Hardware ID

Each component of your PC has a unique serial number, called your HWID. When cheating in games, anti-cheat systems can ban your HWID, preventing you from playing on your main system again.

How does a HWID Spoofer work?

A spoofer changes your serial numbers when they are sent to the anti-cheat system, protecting your original HWID from being banned.

There are two main ways spoofers work:

  1. If your HWID is already banned, the spoofer will change your serials so you can play again without using your banned HWID.
  2. If you’re just starting to cheat, we recommend always using a spoofer. This helps protect your original HWID from getting banned, so you won’t need to spoof in the future.

Does a spoofer unban my account?

No, a spoofer does not unban any account that’s already banned. It only protects your HWID.

The spoofer is temporary. Your HWID will be changed until you restart your PC. You'll need to spoof every time you boot up your computer.


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