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  1. If you are struggling to setup your product we provide 24/7 support through our discord ticket system. You can join the discord here!
  2. No. Once a key is activated it is locked to the HWID of whoever activates it. Keys or loader accounts are not allowed to be shared between people. You are completely allowed to buy a key and give it to a friend!
  3. Full in-depth guides for all of our products can be found here!
  4. Types of Bans in Rust There are different types of bans in Rust, and here’s an explanation of each: Server Bans In Rust, it's common to get banned from a server for cheating. This could be done by an admin or a custom server anti-cheat system. Many popular servers like Atlas, Vital, and Rustoria use custom anti-cheats that can detect obvious cheats like Fat Bullet, Bullet TP, and others. Avoid Facepunch Servers to Prevent Game Bans Facepunch servers are managed by the game developers, not regular admins. If you’re caught cheating on a Facepunch server, you won’t just get a server ban—you’ll be manually banned from the game itself. Ban Evading When you get banned from a server, admins can track you using your IP address. To avoid being linked to your old ban, you need to change your IP. Common ways to do this include using a VPN, a dynamic router, or a phone hotspot. Once you’ve changed your IP, Buy a new account that you’ve never used before. This ensures that you don’t accidentally connect to previous bans linked to your old IP. Cerberus (Temporary Game Bans) Rust can issue temporary game bans, usually lasting 3 to 7 days, through a system called Cerberus. Cerberus tracks in-game stats like playtime, K/D ratio, and headshot accuracy. These bans often happen on brand-new accounts with zero hours played. To avoid this, it’s recommended to buy an account with real hours to reduce the chance of getting a Cerberus ban. Gamebans Gamebans are always possible in rust and have many contributing factors this can often be caused from getting too many F7 reports so try to play as legit as possible! once an account is gamebanned there is nothing that can be done to unban it, the account is now useless. HWID Bans HWID bans in rust happen when you recieve a gameban. There is no set amount of gamebans until you get HWID banned it is completely random it could be on your first gameban or your 5th, this is why we always recommend to use a spoofer! Alot more information about HWID Bans / Spoofing can be found here.
  5. The current status of all of our products will be on the Status page at the top of the site! Undetected - This product is currently undetected and safe to use! Updating - This product is currently awaiting an update. Testing - This product is NOT 100% safe yet and is being tested. Detected - This product is detected and not safe to use.
  6. After completing your purchase, you can find your Product/Key at the top of the page under the My Keys tab.
  7. HWID = Hardware ID Each component of your PC has a unique serial number, called your HWID. When cheating in games, anti-cheat systems can ban your HWID, preventing you from playing on your main system again. How does a HWID Spoofer work? A spoofer changes your serial numbers when they are sent to the anti-cheat system, protecting your original HWID from being banned. There are two main ways spoofers work: If your HWID is already banned, the spoofer will change your serials so you can play again without using your banned HWID. If you’re just starting to cheat, we recommend always using a spoofer. This helps protect your original HWID from getting banned, so you won’t need to spoof in the future. Does a spoofer unban my account? No, a spoofer does not unban any account that’s already banned. It only protects your HWID. The spoofer is temporary. Your HWID will be changed until you restart your PC. You'll need to spoof every time you boot up your computer.
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