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Discord Reviews

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Everything posted by Discord Reviews

  1. - made ticket at 11:44pm est when most staff is sleeping at that time as it’s almost 5am
  2. been having problems with my product since i got it, from my HWID bugging out, to senses not lining up and it simply just not working, and support very slow even when all 4 staff is on
  3. +rep @.VALIANT was my friend but he stopped being my friend and hes acting weird now +rep for dope products but -rep for bad valiant in total i would give 1 +rep and ralle is a bitch ass dude so its neutral rep now
  4. + dumbass learn to give 24/7 support even when ur asleep
  5. + rep | nice support
  6. the support is very fast, the products are very good , @Liamm and @zoZo 10/10
  7. - my bad for sleeping mate, won’t do it again!
  8. We Kinda weird that i needed help 3h before @Liamm said he was gooing offline +its been 10 h since he Said it would take 7-8h
  9. - I understand that your mad about it but the chance of this happening is so small and as said in announcements -> liam and zozo were not here yesterday hence why you havent been given a new key. The whole thing is just bad luck combined with bad timing. We're sorry about the issues.
  10. 5/10 klar doesn't work for shit (yes i did the qb stuff) but the rest of the cheats are good
  11. 10/10 fast replies and cheese works fine
  12. 10/10 bo6 unlocker and uav you can use it for zombies to unlock augments and equipment them which makes your perks stronger.
  13. - Have you made a ticket?
  14. 0/10 no support
  15. 10/10 @Paradox fast responding
  16. @zoZo 3 cum shots nice load 10/10 cheap and fast
  17. Discord Reviews


    10/10 @zoZo really good and helped me and really fast response
  18. 10/10 bought awhile ago and js bought yesterday and still good👍 slowish support tho
  19. 10/10 made many purchases and never had any problems
  20. 10/10 mods were helpfully thanks
  21. 10/10 purchased many times may be cause I’m shit at r6 but good cheese and amazing support
  22. cr-y
  23. dubbel -rep @ralle bitch boy cuz why not
  24. -rep @ralle real bitch boy gotta calm his tits
  25. 10/10 always fast delivery and great support
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