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Intel/AMD Supported
Windows 10 & 11 Compatible
Combat Features
Enable: Toggle aimbot on/off
Hit Groups (Enemy Body Parts): Specify body parts to target
FOV (Field of View): Adjust field of view range with options for Static or Dynamic
Smooth: Adjust aiming smoothness
Filters: Options include targeting through walls and setting maximum distance
Visual Features
Players: Configuration options for Self, Teammates, and Enemies
Preview (ESP Preview): Real-time effect settings preview
Box: Toggle bounding boxes around players
Distance: Display distance to players
Health Bar: Show player health bars
Nickname: Display player nicknames
Hero Name: Show names of characters/heroes
Ultimate Charge: Display ultimate ability charge status
Only Visible: Filter to show only visible players
Skeleton: Show player skeletons
Draw FOV: Overlay to show the area affected by FOV
Watermark: Display custom watermark on screen
Keybind List: Show list of active keybindings
Radar: Adjustments for out of view indicators, scale, and alpha
Background: Set background properties for overlays
Technical Watermark: Display a technical detail watermark
Particles: Settings for point and nexus color
Menu Bind: Set a keybind to open/close the aimbot menu