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Windows 10/11
Intel/AMD Supported
Built-in Spoofer
USB Required
Aimbot Types: Normal, Silent, Manipulation
Draw FOV Circle: Visualize the aimbot’s field of view for precise targeting.
Smoothness: Control the aiming movement for natural and seamless tracking.
Aim Spot: Choose the specific body part to target for increased accuracy.
Auto Shoot: Automatically fire when the aimbot locks onto a target.
Rapid Fire: Increase your shooting rate for rapid takedowns.
Bullet TP: Improve accuracy by accounting for bullet travel time.
Patrol Heli Bullet TP: Optimize targeting for mounted targets.
Instant Hit: Ensure immediate hits when aiming at foes.
Auto Shoot Wait For Instant Hit: Time shots perfectly for instant hit registration.
Players: Name, Box, Health Bar, Distance, Skeleton
Active Item: Icons, Game Names, and Shortened Names for quick identification.
Don’t Draw Friendly Option: Prevent rendering visuals for friendly players.
Friendly Color Override: Customize the visual representation of friendly players.
Enemy Color Override: Customize the visual representation of enemy players.
Hotbar: Easily view the items in your character’s hotbar.
Sleepers: Identify sleeping players for strategic purposes.
Radar: Enable radar tracking of players, sleepers, and wounded characters.
NPCs: Name, Box, Health Bar, Distance, Skeleton
Animals: Name, Icons, Health Bar, Distance
Vehicles: Name, Icons, Health Bar, Distance
Ores: Name, Distance
Collectibles: Name, Distance
Stash: Name, Distance
Crates: Name, Distance
AI: Name, Health Bar, Distance (Cargo, Patrol Heli, Bradley)
Corpses: Name, Distance (Player Corpses, Player Backpacks)
Deployables: Name, Distance (Tool Cupboards, All Workbenches, Sleeping bags)
Items: Name, Distance (Melee Weapons, Tier 1/2/3 Weapons, Explosives, Resources, Tools, Medical, Ammo, Other)
Traps: Name, Distance (Shotgun Trap, Flame Turret, SAM Site, Auto Turrets, Bear Traps, Landmines)
Show Authorized Traps: Display authorized traps for better base defense.
Raids: Name, Distance (All Raid Items, Seconds of Last Raid Item)
Bright Cave: Enhance visibility in caves.
Edit Night: Modify night settings for better gameplay.
Night Ambient Multiplier: Adjust the ambient lighting during the night.
Change Night Ambient Color: Personalize the night environment.
View Model Hand Chams: Customize weapon and hand appearance for various modes.
View Model Weapon Chams: Customize weapon appearance for various modes.
Recoil Y, Recoil X, Aim cone: Manage weapon handling and accuracy.
No Spread, No Sway: Stabilize weapon behavior for precise shots.
Force Automatic: Convert semi-automatic weapons into fully automatic.
Faster Bullets: Improve bullet speed for long-range shots.
Instant Eoka: Instantly fire the Eoka pistol for quick defense.
Fast Bow: Accelerate arrow release with the bow.
Instant Compound Charge: Quickly charge the compound bow for powerful shots.
Auto Reload, Faster Auto Reload: Automate and expedite the reload process.
Wield Items While Mounted: Maintain weapon functionality while mounted on vehicles.
Better Penetration: Increase bullet penetration through surfaces.
Shoot Through Wounded: Enable bullets to pass through wounded players.
Shoot Through Teammates: Allow bullets to pass through friendly players without causing harm.
Hit Override: Override hit detection for headshots and chest shots.
Hit Override Patrol Heli: Override hit detection for better targeting on patrol helicopters.
Silent Melee: Execute melee attacks silently for stealth gameplay.
Weapon Spam: Rapidly fire weapons for enhanced combat efficiency.
Spider-man: Gain the ability to climb walls and surfaces.
No Fall: Prevent fall damage and maintain height while jumping.
Infinite Jump: Jump continuously without cooldowns.
Jesus Mode: Walk on water surfaces without sinking.
Omni-sprint: Run sideways to confuse opponents during combat.
Anti Fly-hack Kick: Protect against cheating by detecting fly hacks.
Prevent Cheat Detected: Implement anti-cheat mechanisms to deter cheating attempts.
Noclip Collisions, No Tree Collisions, No Player Collisions: Overcome collision limitations for smoother movement.
Interactive Debug with Shoot Indicators: Receive visual cues for optimal shooting opportunities.
Admin Flag: Enable admin privileges for special access.
Block Server Commands: Prevent unauthorized server command usage.
Auto Upgrade: Automatically upgrade structures when materials are available.
Disable On Running Out of Material: Stop specified actions when resources are depleted.
Disable After (X) Seconds: Set a timer to disable certain features after a defined duration.
Desync: Adjust desynchronization settings for better gameplay performance.
Show Indicator: Display visual indicators for various in-game actions.
On Key Max Desync Override: Override maximum desync time with a specific key input.
Max on Desync Time, Desync Mode: Configure maximum desync time and mode settings.
Disable When In Air, Disable When Moving, Disable When Mounted: Disable features during specific player actions.
Instant Loot: Automatically loot items without delays.